Ship details: Unknown. On 23rd November 1995, the MV Kajun ran aground on the Tel-Baruch beach and was badly damaged and no longer seaworthy. On 2nd February 1999, in the framework of Nature Protection Week, the Environment ministry started to dismantle what was left of the MV Kajur.
Offshore radio station: Radio Dan and Galei Hayam Hatichon in 1995
Mike Brand reporting:
Frequencies: 95.1 MHz FM /Galei Hayam Hatichon) and 88.5 MHz FM (Radio Dan)
Galei Hayam Hatichon began as a land based operation, broadcasting “Middle Eastern” music twenty-four hours a day.
They were constantly raided by the Ministry of Communications officals.
After being raided three times in two weeks the station decided to go offshore. Four months later the station was back on air from the MV Kajur.
Radio Dan broadcast from the same ship as Radio Galei Hayam Hatichon, although neither station mentioned the other one.
The station broadcast continuous music with the occasional jingle.
Three weeks after broadcasts commenced the Ministry of Communications officals raided the ship, claiming they were broadcasting from inside Israeli territorial waters, and shut both stations down.
23rd November. The MV Kajur ran aground, and was badly damaged and is no longer seaworthy.
It was after the ship run aground that it was discovered that the ship housed two stations, Radio Dan and Radio Galei Hayam Hatichon (Mediterranean Waves).
30th April. A station calling itself Galei Hayam Hatichon was heard on 101.8 Mhz. The station was broadcasting continuous music and using the same jingles as the ship based station in 1995.
Location: Just within national waters off Tel-Aviv (Israel)