France Radio Club is 50!

The France Radio Club (FRC) and its Offshore Echos Magazine (OEM) have turned 50 years old this year, hard as it is to believe. For this occasion, Francois Lhote has been working for months on a four-hour double DVD, which is also available as a Blu-Ray version. This four-hour masterpiece fascinates from the first minute … Read more

“Caroline 60” T-shirt

Limited Edition RADIO CAROLINE 60th ANNIVERSARY T-Shirt £18.00 Only Available Until April 1st To celebrate 60 years of broadcasting this Easter, we have created a very special collectable tee. The navy shirt features images of our first pirate radio ship MV Fredericia and our current ship MV Ross Revenge. Grab yours in the web shop … Read more

New DVD/Bluray

The Glorious Madness – The Life of Ronan O’Rahilly Whilst Ronan is remembered for his greatest achievement, the creation of the famous offshore station Radio Caroline, there was a lot more to his life. On moving to London, he became involved in film production and the emerging music scene, which eventually led to his own radio … Read more

Radio Caroline kalender 2024 te koop

(English below)In 2024 bestaat Radio Caroline 60 jaar en de kalender van dit jaar weerspiegelt dat met veel historische foto’s, waarvan sommige nog nooit eerder zijn gepubliceerd.Als bonus zijn sommige van de oorspronkelijk in zwart-wit gemaakte foto’s ingekleurd met behulp van de nieuwste software om ze tot leven te brengen.De kalender neemt je mee door … Read more

The Offshore Radio Years – Revisited

For more informations about the following DVDs/Blurays go to: Or write to: Offshore Echos PO Box 1514 London W7 2LL England Here are all reviews by Martin van der Ven: Volume 19 – The Radio Atlantis StoryWith Radio Atlantis, you actually have to distinguish between two radio stations: the Flemish one (all programmes were … Read more

Online Stores

Ferry Eden’s Mi Amigo en Monique boeken Stichting Media Communicatie (SMC) Museum RockArt Radio Caroline Society Web Shop [EU orders cannot be accepted (sadly)] The Offshore Echo’s Collection Ray Clark Paul Rusling Radio 270 Store East Anglian Productions Pirate Memories Offshore Pirate Radio Of course, this list can neither be complete nor always lead to … Read more

Various reviews

Paul Rusling – Online Radio Ben van Praag – Alles gaat voorbij, verhalen over Mi Amigo en Maeva Joop Landré – Vader van de TROS Review: Roger “Twiggy” Day: Pirate of the Airwaves Recensie: Roger “Twiggy” Day: Pirate of the Airwaves Review: Ray Clark – Stay Tuned… I could say something brilliant at any moment! … Read more

RNI Photo Book and Double CD

Another wonderful pick from the candy jar It was a message that struck many over 65 years of age in 1968, after both of Radio Caroline International’s broadcast ships had been towed from the sea by order of creditors earlier that year. The Galaxy, formerly owned by Radio London, was to be used as a … Read more