A warm welcome to a kaleidoscope of the watery wireless era
This website is designed to evoke a variety of memories. This is best illustrated by Radio Caroline, the most famous of numerous offshore radio stations that played a crucial role in the European broadcasting landscape for over 3 decades. Caroline became known for its rebellious attitude towards the British government and was instrumental in the rise of rock and pop music.
Radio Caroline was founded in 1964 by the Irish entrepreneur Ronan O’Rahilly, who wanted to create an alternative to the state-controlled radio stations. From 1964 to 1990, Radio Caroline broadcast from ships in international waters to circumvent British and Dutch laws that prohibited commercial radio broadcasts without a licence.
In its heyday, Radio Caroline attracted millions of listeners who were drawn to its diverse music selection and charismatic presenters. The station played a key role in the success of bands such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and other greats of rock and pop music. Despite constant efforts by the British government to suppress the station, Radio Caroline has remained active to this day and can be heard through various media.
Hopefully, our website will also help to awaken your memories of the watery wireless era. In any case, we hope you enjoy reading, viewing and listening.
Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot
Current issues-Radio Noordzee Top 50 van 3 februari 1973 met Ferry EdenHet Moniqueboek / The Radio Monique bookDave Cash - He… ... Read more
The Broadcasting Fleet-A large part of the texts published here are based on the great "Encyclopedia of Offshore Radio" by Jim Parkes.We… ... Read more
Ferry Eden’s Retro Shows-Radio Noordzee Top 50 van 3 februari 1973 met Ferry Eden op www.foutemuziekradio.nlTussen alle schrijfwerk door aan het Radio Monique… ... Read more
Radio Stations
Radio Stations With Watery Background-Radio CarolineCaroline FlashbackCaroline Coastal FM192 RadioLXClassics (Lex Harding)Radio VeronicaVeronica Goud van OudRadio AtlantisRadio SeagullRadio Mi Amigo InternationalLaser 558Laser Hot HitsRadio… ... Read more
Zeezender Discografie-De Zeezender Discografie op Soundscapes25 jaar zeezenderdiscografie De laatste aanvullingen: 1 december 2021 t/m 30 juni 20231 maart 2021 - 30 november… ... Read more
Radio Sets
Mijn transistor radio’s en de zeezenders-Door Martin van der VenRadiostations op schepen (altijd ten onrechte "piratenzenders" genoemd) boeiden in de jaren zestig, zeventig en tachtig… ... Read more
The Spirit of the 70s 2024-The Spirit of the 70s returns for another three day special broadcast this August.Presenters who were part of the team… ... Read more
Radiotag Erkrath
Erkrather Radiotag-Just scroll down for the English translation.Der 22. Erkrather RadiotagSamstag, 5. Oktober 2024Seit einigen Jahren ist der Erkrather Radiotag zu… ... Read more
Radio Day NL
Pictures-2023201720152014Ben Meijering2012Ben Meijering2011Ben Meijering2010Ben Meijering2009Ben Meijering2008Ben Meijering2007Ben Meijering2006Ben Meijering2005Ben Meijering20042003Ben Meijering200220012000199919981997199619951994The Dutch Radio Day - the very first years (1979-93)Zeezenders… ... Read more
“The reason for true ship based, and of course fort based, offshore radio has always been that it is free of governmental control and interference.” (Chris Edwards in Offshore Echo’s Magazine Issue 98)
“Als de autoriteiten tegen iets zijn begint het bij mij te kriebelen.” (Gerard van Dam, Radio Day 2012)
“I can’t understand the Government’s attitude over the pirates. Why don’t they make the BBC illegal as well – it doesn’t give the public the service it wants, otherwise the pirates wouldn’t be here to fill the gap. The Government makes me sick. This is becoming a Police State. They should leave the pirates alone. At least they’ve had a go, which is more than the BBC has done…” [George Harrison in an interview with Ray Coleman in Disc (August 6th, 1966).]
“Die deutschen Sender spielten alle solche Musik noch gar nicht, das kam erst später. Und in der Nordsee gab es auf Schiffen Piratensender, die strahlten nach England und Europa aus. Die konnte man bei uns auch empfangen, da habe ich nachts dann ganz tolle Musik gehört in den 60er Jahren.” (Peter Urban im Interview mit der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung, 18. November 2023)
Photo credits for this site: Theo Dencker, Helmut Slawik, Rob Olthof †, Rob van Dam, Jeroen Knot, Noam Tal, Kees Pronk and Hans-Joachim Backhaus
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