A retrospective view

It all began in the late autumn of 1996 with Martin van der Ven’s “Offshore Radio Links” page, which was gradually extended into an complete website with countless photos, articles and sound files under the name “Offshore Radio Guide”. 

Hans Knot soon got his own website, and the German-Caroline site, the Broadcasting Fleet, the German-language Seesender site and the Dutch Radio Day website followed. Thousands of visitors made us quite proud and encouraged us to constantly expand our ever more extensive (and also more confusing) offering. A new start was overdue.

Our new website “Offshore Radio Nostalgia”, published for the first time in November 2023, is a summary and modernization of our previous long-standing websites.

Despite many congratulations and encouraging comments, some visitors miss our “old-fashioned” pages with their colorful outfits. Here you can take another nostalgic look at them. Please note, however, that some content will be incomplete and no longer up to date:

The Offshore Radio Guide
