60th anniversary of Radio Caroline North

Mattie van der Valk went on holiday this year to the Isle of Man, famously known for being where Radio Caroline North’s ship, the Fredericia, was anchored in international waters and became very popular. To mark the 60th anniversary of Radio Caroline North’s launch off the Isle of Man, some celebrations were held. Mattie shares some photos of the event with our readers.

This photo was made in Downtown Ramsey with Radio Caroline North fest banner. August 3rd, 2024.

I saw this Billboard in downtown Ramsey during the 3 days Radio Caroline North fest in Ramsey, August 3rd, 2024.

Radio Caroline North, QSL card, sent to me in 1966. Reception was good in the East of the Netherlands.

Radio Caroline sticker in the rear window of a car that took part in the Radio Caroline North event in Ramsey.

Radio Caroline North had his office in this hotel in Ramsey during their stay in Ramsey. Ramsey, 3rd of August 2024.

A competition took place at the Radio Caroline North fest in Ramsey, August 3rd 2024. I don’t know who won the competition but all in all nice Oldtimers turned up that Saterday afternoon. A small event took place in Mooragh park with two gitarists playbacked Beatle songs. I met Johnny Wilson, DJ of Caroline 557 ? and another DJ of Radio Caroline north but don’t know anymore who he was. Also a radio reporter of Manx radio made recordings that afternoon.

See Keith Lewis’ pictures talen on the event.

I did not attend the fest held in a hotel in Ramsey that night, unveiling the Radio Caroline North bell.

Anyway, I had a nice two weeks holiday in the Isle of Man. I even saw the transmitter masts in Foxdale, transmitting on 1368 khz AM which I can pick up in the evening/night hours in Enschede, NL.