Radio Broadcasting from Ships – The Americas

We return to the matter of radio broadcasting from ships, and we choose the American scene in its earlier era. It is discovered that at least five different ships were on the air with broadcast programming in the Americas during the era between the two Great Wars. It was in the year 1919 that Woodrow … Read more

Radio Broadcasting from Ships: Europe and the Atlantic

Back during the era of the 1920s and 1930s, it was the custom of the day for ships passing each other in mid-Atlantic to salute each other by playing musical records over their communication radio transmitters. On many occasions this interesting phenomenon was noted, though usually the printed DX reports do not mention the name … Read more

The Great White Fleet

At the turn of the century 100 years ago, the United States had just emerged from a series of military excursions in the Caribbean & Central America as well as in the Pacific. In an endeavor to exert a wider international influence, it was decided to build up the navy and to send it on … Read more

Early Wireless

Radio broadcasting from ships goes back a long way, almost to the beginning of wireless experimentation itself. The early experimenters in Europe, including Marconi himself, demonstrated the value of wireless communication by installing primitive experimental apparatus in small boats and transmitting messages across the intervening ocean. This form of wireless communication was also demonstrated in … Read more

Rob Olthof

We are mourning Rob Olthof. *07.12.1945 †23.09.2013 Maandagmorgen 23 september om half 12 kwam er een einde aan een uitzonderlijke vriendschap die Rob Olthof en ik 48 jaar lang hebben gedeeld. De vriendschap is ontstaan dankzij het weekblad dat de jonge babyboomers van destijds, vanaf 1965 konden kopen in de sigarenwinkel en meer: ‘Hitweek’. Het … Read more