
Ship details: A 60 foot fishing trawler Radio station: Radio Sutch is reported to have broadcast from the vessel in May 1964. On 25th May 1964 David ‘Screaming Lord’ Sutch unveiled Britain’s third offshore radio station when Radio Sutch was launched, in a blaze of publicity, on board the trawler Cornucopia. The exact details of … Read more

Elisabeth II

Ship details: A 32′ ”cockleshell” cruiser named Elizabeth II Offshore radio station: Radio Rag (Newcastle University) from 26th to 28th October 1964 In October 1964, an offshore broadcast was initiated to promote Newcastle University students’ Rag Week, an annual event in many universities where students engage in unusual activities to raise money for charity. Employing … Read more

Boys’ Own

Ship details: The “Boys’ Own” was built in Beverley, by Cook, Welton & Gemmel 1938, the original owners being I. Newby and Consortium. She passed to Trevor Silverwood in1960. In 1968 she was modernized at Hepworths on the Humber, being renamed Flamborian on her return to service. The vessel was owned by Andrea Connelly … Read more

M.V. Epivan

Ship details: The 500 ton “Scheveningen 54” was built in Scheveningen in 1954 for Rederij van der Zwan. Originally the vessel was named Helena and Oceaan IX, later renamed Epivan.  In 1978, Rederij Jaczon (Scheveningen) sold the ship for 25.000 guilders to Jean van Wijk Dentals Holding from Curaçao and Paco Lopez SD based in … Read more

De SS Malolo en Captain Dobbsie

Hoe een vroege zeezender in 1931 in Hawaii belanddedoor Jan van Heeren Voor wie iets heeft met de geschiedenis van de radio en meer speciaal met die van de zeezenders blijft het leuk wanneer er vanuit het verre verleden iets opduikt dat daarmee te maken heeft, al is het ook zijdelings. Dat geldt zeker voor … Read more

A criminal investigation in the Principality of Sealand

Or, what the Maunsell forts had to do with a suitcase murderby Hans Knot The Maunsell Forts are armed towers built in the Thames and Mersey estuaries during the Second World War to help defend the United Kingdom. In he mid-1960s one these forts — Knock John — was occupied and claimed as the Principality … Read more

Ridder Roland in Radioland

Of, waarom Ad Roland een ridderorde kreeg opgespelddoor Hans Knot Op vrijdag 24 april 2020 werd de ook in Duitse radiokringen zeer bekende Ad Roland overvallen door een grote verrassing. Het had, zo bleek, koning Willem Alexander behaagd hem een hoge Koninklijke onderscheiding toe te kennen: Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, een … Read more

The Caroline Showband

Did Ronan O’Rahilly ever initiate a band?by Martin van der Ven About Ronan O’Rahilly, the driving force behind Radio Caroline, many stories circulate. Some of those say he also was the manager of some reknown pop groups and singers. By know these tales all have been disproved. Still, as Martin van der Ven tells, O’Rahilly … Read more

The mysterious Mr. van Brandtzaeg and other stories

My times with Radio Carolineby Wyck Gerson Lohman Photographer Rolf van Brandtzaeg was one of the people who started the offshore station Radio Caroline. Working as a senior executive at Caroline’s London office, he stayed behind the scenes and always remained a rather mysterious man. Here Wyck Gerson Lohman, himself a photographer and professionally known … Read more

Radio Luxembourg versus Radio Veronica versus Hilversum III

Een onderzoek naar de populariteit van radiozenders uit 1969 door Hans Knot Eind 1969 bleek Radio Veronica als amusementsradio de hoogste ogen te gooien onder de Nederlandse luisteraars. Vrijwel tegelijkertijd richtte Radio Luxembourg zich, ten koste van de Nederlandse Service, meer op Duitsland, waar hogere inkomsten uit reclame konden worden gehaald. Hans Knot vertelt hier … Read more